

Actually, there are a lot of DSLAM made by ZTE.
But the command on those DSLAM are nearly the same to each other.
Here's the example of one of them, to allow a VLAN to existing configured DSLAM ZTE for VPN over ADSL2+.

Get into the DSLAM by telnet.

First, you must config the pvc on the adsl port where you want to use

DSLAM-ZTE# config
DSLAM-ZTE(config)# int adsl 3/1
DSLAM-ZTE(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 0 vci 33 --> the vpi and the vci setting, must exactly the same with the one on the modem configuration

Then back to the main config, and create the new VLAN which you want to use (123 in my case),

DSLAM-ZTE(config)# add-vlan 123 --> this is used to create a new VLAN
DSLAM-ZTE(config)# vlan 123 1/1 --> allow VLAN to Uplink (ethernet port)
DSLAM-ZTE(config)# vlan 123 3/1 pvc 1 tag  --> allow VLAN to adsl port
DSLAM-ZTE(config)# vlan 123 3/1 pvc 1 untag --> this must be configured too, in order the device to work properly

Then get into the adsl port once again to allow the VLAN and the adsl profile

DSLAM-ZTE(config)# int adsl 3/1
DSLAM-ZTE(config)# pvid 123 pvc 1 --> 123 is the VLAN
DSLAM-ZTE(config)# adsl profile PROFILE1024.PRF --> the file list can be obtained with the "show adsl profile" command

Then the port is ready to use,


Configuring METRO-E Tellabs 8840

Assuming we have metro-e MPLS backbone,

Now we're going to configure Tellabs 8840 Metro,

This command is used to create a new circuit :

ME-TELLABS-8840# ena
ME-TELLABS-8840(enable)# config
ME-TELLABS-8840(config)# ckt name "abcde" type vlan
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt [abcde])

And this command to create a L2 VLAN Switching to the port

ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt [abcde]) # side id 1
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt-side [abcde:1])# interface ge-1/1/1/1
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt-side [abcde:1])# vlan 2500

After creating the side 1, we're going to create the sdp, vc-switching for it

ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt [abcde])# side id 2
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt-side [abcde:2])# lsp dynamic-ckt vc-id 190000002 ---> match it with the destination VCID (can be metro in any type ALU, Tellabs, etc.)
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt-side [abcde:2])# lsp destination --> (the metro in the other side IP Address)
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt-side [abcde:2])# lsp dynamic-ckt no auto-reoptimization
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt-side [abcde:2])# lsp dynamic-ckt prefer-non-ip-en-lsp
ME-TELLABS-8840(cfg-ckt-side [abcde:2])# lsp dynamic-ckt preference all
Now, the link is ready to use, don't forget to create the SDP in the Metro side onto MPLS, or it will not work at all.


Learn How to Configure an ALCATEL LUCENT 7450 ESS : Part 3 (Service Epipe Config)

Okay, assuming we have ports, and a sdp that have been configured from the test before,
We're going to create a service for our first customer.

ME-TEST# configure service customer 12345 create --> in creating new customer, "create" must be used, and 12345 is the customer-id
ME-TEST>config>service>customer# description "Gigatech Corporate" --> the customer name
Now let's set ME-TEST2, copy the config you have on ME-TEST

ME-TEST2# configure service customer 12345 create
ME-TEST2>config>service>cust# description "Gigatech Corporate"

We're having our first customer on the new metro,
Now let's set the service for the customer.

ME-TEST# configure service epipe 190000001 customer 12345 create --> create service 190000001 for customer-id 12345, on my case, the customer I have set above
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe# description "GIGATECH CORP ME-TEST to ME-TEST2 VLAN 2500" --> the description
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe# service-mtu 1632 --> setting the MTU for the service
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe# sap 1/1/1:2500 create --> setting the port and allows it VLAN
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown --> activate the sap on the service
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe>sap# exit
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe# spoke-sdp 2:190000001 --> 2 is the sdp-id and 190000001 is the vc-id
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# no shutdown --> activate the sdp
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# exit
ME-TEST>config>service>epipe# no shutdown --> activate the service

Now, we're having a new service, it should be looked like this.

ME-TEST# show service id 190000001 base

Service Basic Information
Service Id        : 190000001           Vpn Id            : 0
Service Type      : Epipe
Description       : GIGATECH CORP ME-TEST to ME-TEST2 VLAN 2500
Customer Id       : 12345
Last Status Change: 12/08/2011 21:12:34
Last Mgmt Change  : 08/16/2011 21:57:22
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Down
MTU               : 1632
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 1                   SDP Bind Count    : 1

Service Access & Destination Points
Identifier                               Type         AdmMTU  OprMTU  Adm  Opr
sap:1/1/1:2500                            q-tag        9212    9212    Up   Up
sdp:2:190000001 S(       n/a          0       9190    Up   Down

Notice that the sdp and the service oper state is still down, we have to configure the metro on the other side as well to get it UP.

ME-TEST2# configure service epipe 190000001 customer 12345 create
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe# description "GIGATECH CORP ME-TEST to ME-TEST2 VLAN 2500"
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe# service-mtu 1632 
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe# sap 1/1/1:2500 create
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe>sap# no shutdown
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe>sap# exit
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe#spoke-sdp 1:190000001 --> sdp-id 1 is link to the ME-TEST from ME-TEST2, and bind it with the vc-id   
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp#  no shutdown
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe>spoke-sdp# exit
ME-TEST2>config>service>epipe# no shutdown --> activate the service

Okay, now we're having a service that is connecting the metro link, like below

ME-TEST2# show service id 190000001 base

Service Basic Information
Service Id        : 190000001           Vpn Id            : 0
Service Type      : Epipe
Description       : GIGATECH CORP ME-TEST to ME-TEST2 VLAN 2500
Customer Id       : 12345
Last Status Change: 12/08/2011 21:12:34
Last Mgmt Change  : 08/16/2011 21:57:22
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1632
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 1                   SDP Bind Count    : 1

Service Access & Destination Points
Identifier                               Type         AdmMTU  OprMTU  Adm  Opr
sap:1/1/1:2500                            q-tag        9212    9212    Up   Up
sdp:1:190000001 S(       n/a          0       9190    Up   Up

ME-TEST# show service id 190000001 base

Service Basic Information
Service Id        : 190000001           Vpn Id            : 0
Service Type      : Epipe
Description       : GIGATECH CORP ME-TEST to ME-TEST2 VLAN 2500
Customer Id       : 12345
Last Status Change: 12/08/2011 21:12:34
Last Mgmt Change  : 08/16/2011 21:57:22
Admin State       : Up                  Oper State        : Up
MTU               : 1632
Vc Switching      : False
SAP Count         : 1                   SDP Bind Count    : 1

Service Access & Destination Points
Identifier                               Type         AdmMTU  OprMTU  Adm  Opr
sap:1/1/1:2500                            q-tag        9212    9212    Up   Up
sdp:2:190000001 S(       n/a          0       9190    Up   Up

And the link is ready to be used,

APZ :)

Learn How to Configure an ALCATEL LUCENT 7450 ESS : Part 2 (SDP Config)

Assuming you already have a metro  MPLS backbone using ALU 7450 ESS too,
We're going to learn how to configure a new SDP connection on a new METRO.
Still using the same ME-TEST like the post before,

ME-TEST#configure service sdp 2 mpls create  --> 2 is the sdp-ip, and use mpls postfix to create it mpls-wise (default GRE), use create if the sdp-id isn't already existed
ME-TEST>config>service>sdp# description "to the ME-TEST2" --> the description, mine, it's used to connect it to the ME-TEST2
ME-TEST>config>service>sdp# far-end --> ME-TEST2 IP Address
ME-TEST>config>service>sdp# ldp --> activate the LDP
ME-TEST>config>service>sdp>keep-alive# shutdown
ME-TEST>config>service>sdp>keep-alive# exit
ME-TEST>config>service>sdp#no shutdown --> activate the SDP

Then it should be looked like this,

ME-TEST# show service sdp 2

Service Destination Point (Sdp Id : 2)
SdpId    Adm MTU   Opr MTU   IP address       Adm    Opr         Deliver      Signal
2        0         9190                        Up     Down          LDP      TLDP
Notice that the oper state is still down, you have to create the SDP on the ME-TEST2 too to make it UP.

ME-TEST2#config service sdp 1 mpls create
ME-TEST2>config>service>sdp# description "to the ME-TEST" --> the description, like before
ME-TEST2>config>service>sdp# far-end --> ME-TEST IP Address
ME-TEST2>config>service>sdp# ldp 
ME-TEST2>config>service>sdp# keep-alive
ME-TEST2>config>service>sdp>keep-alive# shutdown
ME-TEST2>config>service>sdp>keep-alive# exit
ME-TEST2>config>service>sdp# no shutdown

By now you should have this : 

ME-TEST2# show service sdp 1

Service Destination Point (Sdp Id : 1)
SdpId    Adm MTU   Opr MTU   IP address       Adm    Opr         Deliver      Signal
1        0         9190                         Up     Up          LDP      TLDP

And this,

ME-TEST# show service sdp 2

Service Destination Point (Sdp Id : 2)
SdpId    Adm MTU   Opr MTU   IP address       Adm    Opr         Deliver      Signal
2        0         9190                        Up     Up          LDP      TLDP

Then we're ready to make a new service with sap and sdp.
SDP is used for vc-switching between metro, using vc-tag along with it.

Learn How to Configure an ALCATEL LUCENT 7450 ESS : Part 1 (Port Config)

First, you need to get into the command line, you can do telnet from the remote site or get your console cable to the device. Let's start, then.

Assuming we have already get into one.


to name it we could use "config system name" command like this one :

ALU-7450ESS#config system name ME-TEST

Then we have to config ports on it.

ME-TEST#config port 1/1/1
ME-TEST>config>port#description "LINK TO SW TEST" --> you can change this as you like, the port description
ME-TEST>config>port#ethernet ---> depending on your port type, in this case, ethernet
ME-TEST>config>port>ethernet# mode access --> you could change this into access or network
ME-TEST>config>port>ethernet# encap-type dot1q --> user dot1q to allow VLAN config on this port
ME-TEST>config>port>ethernet# mtu 9212
ME-TEST>config>port>ethernet# exit
ME-TEST>config>port# no shutdown --> like routers, this command is used to activate the port.

Then the port should be looked like this :

ME-TEST# show port 1/1/1
Ethernet Interface
Description        :
Interface          : 1/1/1                      Oper Speed       : 1 Gbps
Link-level         : Ethernet                   Config Speed     : 1 Gbps
Admin State        : up                         Oper Duplex      : full
Oper State         : up                         Config Duplex    : full
Physical Link      : Yes                        MTU              : 9212
IfIndex            : 35684352                   Hold time up     : 0 seconds
Last State Change  : 06/05/2011 09:36:47        Hold time down   : 0 seconds
Last Cleared Time  : N/A

Configured Mode    : access                    Encap Type       : 802.1q
Dot1Q Ethertype    : 0x8100                     QinQ Ethertype   : 0x8100

Notice that things that we configured before are shown in bold in the above. In VC-Switching, port is used
for the sap along with the VLAN that will be used.


"The Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESS is a high-performance platform providing Carrier Ethernet service aggregation with industry-leading throughput, densities, and reliability. Enabling a broad service mix and a graceful migration to a converged service environment, the 7450 ESS is the platform of choice to enable wide-scale Carrier Ethernet adoption, implementation, and transformation.
The 7450 ESS integrates the scalability, resiliency and predictability of MPLS along with the performance and economics of Ethernet, to enable a metro-wide, converged packet aggregation infrastructure using Carrier Ethernet to deliver next-generation services. With the flexibility to support advanced Ethernet and IP services, the MEF-certified Alcatel-Lucent 7450 ESS allows customers to evolve their networks forward to create revenue expansion opportunities while simultaneously protecting investments made previously.
Supporting service speeds up to 100 Gb/s with no sacrifice in performance with advanced features fully enabled, the 7450 ESS scales Carrier Ethernet metros from 10 Gb/s to 100 Gb/s infrastructures with a clear path to 400 Gb/s. Additionally, with the industry’s most advanced PBB/VPLS implementation, customers have the ability to flexibly deploy either native Carrier Ethernet or MPLS-based services and functions in any combination, as their network plans require."
Taken From : http://www.alcatel-lucent.com

In several network providers in my country, Indonesia, have already implemented it for their metro-ethernet services. This device, or should I say, router, is used for their vc-switching things which will convert L2 VLAN from switches / routers and bind a vc-tag to it. And in the end, it uses the vc-tag for switching.

We'll learn it on the next post.

Hello World

Test Post.

- Arif P. Zulkarnain